(605)892-2676 [email protected]

We Produce

Welcome to Belle Fourche! The board and staff of the Chamber of Commerce hopes you have a great visit to our town, meeting  business members in the Belle Fourche community and experiencing some of the best of what ‘We Produce’!

We encourage you to visit any of our our 233 members who make Belle Fourche a ‘one stop shop’ for our residents and the citizens of Butte County, and beyond.

Our 2017 theme, “WE PRODUCE” was chosen to emphasize Belle Fourche and Butte County’s production in agriculture, manufacturing and business.  During the year the Chamber will be focusing on each of these three areas as making us unique to the Northern Hills. Belle Fourche is a hub for agriculture, with beef, sheep, wool, and thousands of acres under irrigation producing a variety of grain crops. We also boast 31 manufacturers, and a thriving business community. Sales tax revenues reflect the consistency and stability of our commercial region, which provides a healthy environment in which to live and work.

As a Chamber, we endeavor to be an effective voice in the city and county for business.
We continue pledge ourselves to:
→Target customers for businesses
→Target better business relationships
→Target better business practices